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Does novasure cause weight loss - does novasure cause weight loss

19-12-2016 à 14:39:04
Does novasure cause weight loss
The year prior my periods went from a life long of normal no-big-deal periods to very heavy, crampy, clotty, and left me nearly anemic. Low-calorie diets combined with increased physical activity are thought to be most effective long term. However the month after the Novasure surgery I gained 3-5 lbs of water weight and retain 2-3 pounds month after month. The healthiest weight loss regimen, therefore, is one that consists of making lifestyle changes that incorporate a balanced diet and moderate physical activity. I always planned on getting the Novasure but I have been reading that it causes weight gain and lots of other problems. I had the novasure procedure in September and I am dealing with weight gain also. I had the Novasure procedure done in Sept 2008 and have not had a period since thenor any kind of cramping but have gained 25 lbs. I also heard from two other people that they also gained 20 pounds within the first year after surgery. For those who are overweight or obese, there are many health benefits to losing weight. I am not planning to have more children so this procedure seemed perfect for me. I am having a lot of pain and bloating still. There is no direct reltionship with ablation and weight gain but if ablation is successful and pt feels better and resume her life with energetic and optimal attitude, including better appetite then wt gain definitely will be a possibility. So long as no fever, you should be fine. I think the weight is unhealthier than the wicked periods. It can help decrease your chances of developing diseases including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and even certain types of cancer. My eating and exercising habits have not changed. I have decided that I can give with my periods rather than gain weight.

I still have bad back aches too, I even had the doctor take urine to see if I had a Kidney infection. Prior to the surgery I gained 3-5 lbs of water every month, but right after my period I immediately lost it. Endometrial ablation by itself should not cause weight gain. Like you stated, my diet and excercise did not change, actually think I started to excercise more. I too, exercise and try and eat right but the pounds keep coming. Make an appointment with your md if not resolving by tomorrow. Many people resolve to lose weight in the New Year for different reasons. I had the novasure endometrial ablation done 10 days ago, can I start having sex yet. You are only 3 days out from this surgery and it would be normal to have pain. Is everyone gaining it right after a period. Check for reasons of bleeding before the procedure and i suggest an ultrasound to measure the uterus before ablation therapy. This procedure was the only thing different that happened to me. That was the routine for 34 years of periods every month. I could barely leave the house and the cramping pain was unreal. I have gained 15 pounds and I have increased my workout routine to try to lose weight. I had the procedure done in April of this year. An instrument is inserted vaginally into the uterus and burns the lining of the uterus that bleeds each month. My doctor says she has not heard that but of course she would say that it is money out of her pocket.

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